Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How do Solar Panels Work?

Whether on a solar-powered calculator or an international space station, solar panels generate electricity using the same principles of electronics as

chemical batteries or standard electrical outlets. With solar panels, it's all about the free flow of electrons through a circuit.

To understand how solar panels generate electrical power, it might help to take a quick trip back to high school chemistry class. The basic element of solar panels is the same element that helped create the computer revolution -- pure silicon. When silicon is stripped of all impurities, it makes a ideal neutral platform for the transmission of electrons. Silicon also has some atomic-level properties which make it even more attractive for the creation of solar panels।

Silicon atoms have room for eight electrons in their outer bands, but only carry four in their natural state. This means there is room for four more electrons. If one silicon atom contacts another silicon atom, each receives the other atom's four electrons. This creates a strong bond, but there is no positive or negative charge because the eight electrons satisfy the atoms' needs. Silicon atoms can combine for years to result in a large piece of pure silicon. This material is used to form the plates of solar panels.

Here's where science enters the picture. Two plates of pure silicon would not generate electricity in solar panels, because they have no positive or negative charge. Solar panels are created by combining silicon with other elements that do have positive or negative charges.

Phosphorus, for example, has five electrons to offer to other atoms. If silicon and phosphorus are combined chemically, the result is a stable eight electrons with an additional free electron along for the ride. It can\'t leave, because it is bonded to the other phosphorus atoms, but it isn\'t needed by the silicon. Therefore, this new silicon/phosphorus plate is considered to be negatively charged.

In order for electricity to flow, a positive charge must also be created. This is achieved in solar panels by combining silicon with an element such as boron, which only has three electrons to offer. A silicon/boron plate still has one spot left for another electron. This means the plate has a positive charge. The two plates are sandwiched together in solar panels, with conductive wires running between them.

With the two plates in place, it's now time to bring in the 'solar' aspect of solar panels. Natural sunlight sends out many different particles of energy, but the one we're most interested in is called a photon. A photon essentially acts like a moving hammer. When the negative plates of solar cells are pointed at a proper angle to the sun, photons bombard the silicon/phosphorus atoms.

Eventually, the 9th electron, which wants to be free anyway, is knocked off the outer ring. This electron doesn't remain free for long, since the positive silicon/boron plate draws it into the open spot on its own outer band. As the sun's photons break off more electrons, electricity is generated. The electricity generated by one solar cell is not very impressive, but when all of the conductive wires draw the free electrons away from the plates, there is enough electricity to power low amperage motors or other electronics. Whatever electrons are not used or lost to the air are returned to the negative plate and the entire process begins again.

One of the main problems with using solar panels is the small amount of electricity they generate compared to their size. A calculator might only require a single solar cell, but a solar-powered car would require several thousand. If the angle of the solar panels is changed even slightly, the efficiency can drop 50 percent.

Some power from solar panels can be stored in chemical batteries, but there usually isn't much excess power in the first place. The same sunlight that provides photons also provides more destructive ultraviolet and infrared waves, which eventually cause the panels to degrade physically. The panels must also be exposed to destructive weather elements, which can also seriously affect efficiency.

Many sources also refer to solar panels as photovoltaic cells, which references the importance of light (photos) in the generation of electrical voltage. The challenge for future scientists will be to create more efficient solar panels are small enough for practical applications and powerful enough to create excess energy for times when sunlight is not available.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Printing Solar Panels

Printing Solar Panels

By Kurt Cagle
January 15, 2009 | Comments: 9

solar-panels.jpgSolar power represents in many ways the purest form of energy available to our energy hungry culture. The sun's energy is endlessly renewable (well, for at least the next three billion years or so, at which point, we'll likely have too much of it), produces no greenhouse gases, and is available nearly anywhere.

The problem, of course, is that while the energy is there for the taking, converting that energy into a usable, transmissible form is a considerably more complex undertaking. Solar panels (properly, solar photovoltaic cells) traditionally have been expensive to create, require a fairly significant amount of area to generate meaningful energy and are usually fairly fragile. What's more, most contemporary (second generation) solar technologies tend to be relatively inefficient, converting only between 5% to 10% of the energy directed to them. As a consequence, solar's role has long been relegated to that of secondary power producers, ideal for providing power for an individual house but insufficient for larger uses.

A number of recent advancements in solar voltaics is changing this perception, however. Third generation photovoltaics use several differing techniques that seek to lower both cost and raise efficiency, with a goal towards exceeding the 30% efficiency limits that represent the upper edge of what's possible with second generation technology. One of the more intriguing of these is a novel use for inkjet printers.

In Germany, a partnership of two companies - solar cell manufacturer Roth & Rau AG and inkjet manufacturer Innovalight (or Sunnyvale, California, appropriately) is creating a new generation of silicon based solar cells that are quite literally printed - Innovalight has created a new generation of inkjet printer that sprays specially constituted silicon ink onto a thin plastic substrate, which are then incorporated into solar panels manufactured by Roth & Rau.

This process significantly lowers the overall cost of production of these panels, and because the printed layers of silicon can be made considerably thinner than corresponding first and second generation silicon, the process is able to convert more of the incoming sunlight into energy rather than have it get dissipated as heat.

The first pilot platform, installed at Innovalight, is capable of generating 10 megawatts of power, and the system could readily be scaled upward to generate potentially hundreds of megawatts in a full generator environment, enough to meet the power requirements of a smallish city.

While the use of silicon ink in this respect represents something of a breakthrough, thin film silicon voltaics are definitely becoming a growth industry. In December 2008, First Solar, of Tempe, Arizona, created its own 10 MW plant for use by Sempre Generation in Arizona, and more recently has won a contract to supply additional modules to Masdar City in Abu Dhabi.

High efficiency solar voltaics likely represent a turning point for the technology. Taking up only about 20% of the total area of older generation photovoltaics for the same power generation (and costing far less per MW generated), most contemporary solar installations also include advanced computer intelligence to better manage solar tracking and power generation and are taking advantage of high storage batteries and super-capacitors to store the power produced during the day and even out the power distribution load at night.

What this means in practice is that such solar installations are being increasingly seen as a viable alternative to traditional big power generation not just in high sun areas but even in cloudy regions such as Northern Europe or the Pacific Northwest. Moreover, these installations are more effective in building distributed power grids than large scale (and high cost) natural gas, coal or hydroelectric generators, with fewer of the environmental costs than any of these.

Kurt Cagle is online editor of O'Reilly Media. Feel free to subscribe to his newsfeed, or follow him on Twitter.